It also gave me my first chance to try out prisming or aka 'hurding.' I think Sam Hurd is pretty incredible for sharing his method where most photographers keep their techniques closely guarded secrets; afterall a six inch prism isn't going to make me Sam Hurd, his photos are so much more than some clever light refractions!
Not the most subtle examples of prisming, but i was learning the nuances of my prism, it was fun stuff! I particularly liked that you could use the reflections of a prism to erase areas you don't want in your photo, for example i liked the framing of some trees but not so much the ugly muddy ground and so i could use the reflections of the prism to remove it. Likewise as a tool for directing your attention to certain parts of a frame, much like you would use the plane of focus on a tilt shift lens. I also really liked the way you could bend the light and produce rainbows.
I got my prism here.