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Thursday 8 November 2012

the cold weather has been keeping us indoors, hoping for some mild weather tomorrow for a trip to Virginia Waters


Back to Basics said...

She's looking patriotic! Maybe I'm influenced by the news of the US elections.

I hope my boy and I go on as many adventures as you and your kids do. =)

Blogging is hard work, how do you stay inspired and energised enough to keep up with it? I'm looking forward to your images.

I attempted a blog for pregnancy (and later, baby) updates and photos, but my family were uninterested, so I closed it down.

C'est la vie.

Unknown said...

i had a toe cringingly bad 'fashion' blog, which in hindsight was so embarassing as i am definitely not a fashionista, but i was on maternity leave and feeling a bit lonely and it was nice to 'reach out there' even if no one was listening. I still feel like no one is reading this blog so it's always a genuine shock and incredibly exciting to get a comment. Mostly i feel like people stumble on this site on a random Google search and move on quickly! I don't mind in some ways i blog for myself, i pour so much of myself in to the photos i take and it's nice having somewhere to put them and look at them and pick apart where i need improving. If someone sees my photos and really likes them then that makes me genuinely happy and excited. There are times i don't use camera for a while, then i read a new camera related tip and i'm inspired again to pick up my camera. The Bushy Park deer photos were taken on a rare day off from work when the girls were at school and nursery and part of me wanted to stay indoors and veg on the sofa but the idea of taking photos in the mist won over. I hate being cold and i'm not very outdoorsy but i love that photography makes me get out there with a purpose. I have a digital photo frame and the girls often stand in front of it recalling trips and talking about the people in the photos and that makes me happy :)

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